Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Love You Grandpa

I've been debating rather or not to blog about this or not.
Like I have mentioned before its hard for me to talk about my self
and personal matters.

Two days before Christmas my Grandpa was rushed to the hospital.
My mom rushed down to St.George to be with him and my Grandma.
Everything was suppose to be okay, mom was going to come back home on Christmas Eve.
Things weren't getting better....
My mom called us and all of her brothers and sister.
We all put Christmas on hold and rushed to St.George to be with Grandpa.

My grandpa was on a breathing tube, hooked up to millions of machines and medicine.
 Grandpa went in and out of whats called a Medical coma.
Out of the 8 days he was in this hospital we had 3 days where he could some-what talk to us.
To tell us he loves us and...Squeeze our hand and would even wink and blow kisses!

That was first time my whole family has been together in over four years.
Even though it was the worst Christmas it was probably the best Christmas too!

You always hear don't take your love ones for granted.. tell them
"I love you"
its true.
I've never had anyone die close to me ever.
This experience was the hardest thing I've ever been through.
I know he is in a better place now.  Just still hard though.
Don't take life for granted and make sure to tell your loved ones..
" I love you"
and Life your life!

* 01/03/2011*


  1. I love you Ky and am sorry for your loss...

  2. ky i am so sorry. know i love you <3

  3. Made me cry all over again. I love Ky and I am so proud of you. It was a bitter sweet Christmas.
